Stonehaven Fireballs


Stonehaven Fireballs

We are delighted to be on Stunning Stonehaven. Just add our LISTING to your FAVOURITES and have free, real-time alerts about our Event and other News sent straight to your phone or computer.

Posted 15/08/2020 by Support Team


Fireballs 2021 Cancelled

Stonehaven Fireballs

Over the last few weeks, the event organisers and committee have been working with the Council, the Police and other services to try and find a way to successfully run the fireballs event under the Covid-19 guidelines. Although many options have been discussed and explored, it is clear that an event of our nature with such large crowds in a relatively small space would be impossible to control from a social distancing point of view. Hence we have no choice but to cancel the event.

Posted 22/10/2020 by Support Team

Fireballs 2021 Cancelled